Creative Europe: audience development and film education
This is an opportunity to get support for an international project that increases the knowledge of audiences in European films. You can create an online cinema, film educational course, film club, curator’s catalogue, organise workshops for lecturers teaching at movie academies, or offer another format. EUR 5,000,000 will be distributed among the best projects that cover more than five countries.
You will work on the project for two to three years. The grant can cover up to 70% of the expenses.
This is one of many Creative Europe opportunities for Ukrainians and one of the thousands of programmes that the EU can offer.
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This grant is for organisations that are legal entities and registered in Ukraine, EU, Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Iceland, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, Norway, Northern Macedonia, Serbia, or Tunisia.
You can apply as a single entity or collaborate with other organisations from Ukraine, EU and 12 other countries. European Commission recommends applying in teams where the EU partner is a lead applicant. One organisation applies from the whole team. It has to be registered more than two years ago.
Completed application form that includes:
- Information about the team
- Project description: relevance, concept, target audiences, sharing the responsibilities in the team, communication strategy and action plan
- Project budget
- Declaration that provides the full ownership structure of all organisations involved in the application
- Delegation letter from partners
You can check the templates of application forms on the website.
2. Register your organisation and ask to register all the partners so everyone gets a PIC-number.
3. Find your contest on the Funding and Tenders Opportunity Portal, complete the online form and upload the required documents.
- To find partners in the other countries try to check pan-European networks, offer cooperation to the organisations already supported by Creative Europe, apply to the programme national desk, or publish the announcement on the Funding and Tenders Opportunity Portal.
- Check the projects already supported by Creative Europe in past contests on the website.